1976 Annual Report

Table of Contents


Director’s Statement

Summary of Findings


PART 1: Sources of Pollutants

Chromium Speciation in Municipal Wasewater and Seawater
Tsu-Kai Jan and David R. Young

Inputs of DDT and PCB
David R. Young and Theadore C. Heesen

Inputs of Chlorinated Benzenes
David R. Young and Theadore C. Heesen

Techniques for Collecting DDT and PCB in Aerial Fallout
Theadore C. Heesen and Robert A. Johnson

Aerial Fallout of Metals During a Brushfire
David R. Young Tsu-Kai Jan

Sediments as Sources of DDT and PCB
David R. Young and D. McDermott-Ehrlich

Characteristics of Municipal Wastewater Discharges, 1975
Henry A. Schafer


PART 2: Distribution of Pollutants

Measurements of Subthermocline Currents
Terry Hendricks

Current Velocities Required to Move Sediments
Terry Hendricks

Sludge in Santa Monica Bay
Henry A. Schafer and Willard Bascom

Mercury in Sediments
Robert P. Eganhouse, Jr.

Changes in the Grain Size of Sediments on the Palos Verdes Shelf
Charles S. Greene


PART 3: Uptake in Marine Lift

Viruses and Bacteria in Coastal Waters and Shellfish
Rodney L. Morris, Alan J. Mearns, and Juhee Kim

Mercury in Mussels
Robert P. Egan House, Jr., and David R. Young

Mercury in Benthic Animals
Robert P. Eganhouse, Jr., and David R. Young

Metals in Scallops
David R. Young and Tsu-Kai Jan

Uptake and Effects of Chromium on Marine Fish
Marjorie J. Sherwood and Jean L. Wright

Chemical Studies of Offshore Oil Platforms
D. McDermott-Ehrlich and George A. Alexander


PART 4: Effects on Marine Life

Fin Erosion Prevalence and Environmental Changes
Alan J. Mearns and Marjorie J. Sherwood

Comparison of Fin Erosion Disease: Los Angeles and Seattle
Marjorie J. Sherwood and Bruce B. McCain

Fin Erosion Disease Induced in the Laboratory
Marjorie J. Sherwood

Acute Responses of Marine Invertebrates to Chromium
Philip S. Oshida and Jean L. Wright

Effects of Chromium on Reproduction in Polychaetes
Philip S. Oshida


PART 5: The Camera as an Instrument

An Underwater Television System
Willard Bascom

Underwater Color Photography
Willard Bascom

Fauna of Offshore Structures
M. James Allen and Michael D. Moore


PART 6: Benthic Ecology

Biological Comparison of Grab Sampling Devices
Jack Q. Word

Taxonomic Standardization Program
Jack Q. Word, Brad L. Myers, and Leslie Harris

Response and Recovery of the Benthos at Orange County
Charles S. Greene

Partial Recovery of the Benthos at Palos Verdes
Charles S. Greene

Comparison of the Benthos at Several Wastewater Discharge Sites
Alan J. Mearns and Charles S. Greene

Regional and Local Variation of Bottom Fish and Invertebrate Populations
M. James Allen and Robert Voglin

Life History of the Dover sole
M. James Allen and Alan J. Mearns


PART 7: Management and Facilities



History, Organization, and Staff
Meetings, Symposia, and Seminars
Sampling at Sea