The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) is an aquatic sciences research institute that works to improve management of aquatic systems in Southern California and beyond. Since its founding as an intergovernmental public agency in 1969, SCCWRP has been developing strategies, tools and technologies that the region’s water-quality management community relies on to more effectively protect and enhance the ecological health of Southern California’s coastal ocean and watersheds that drain to it. As an R&D agency, SCCWRP’s reputation is built on conducting research and translating this science into actionable guidance and recommendations that inform management decision-making and policy development.

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Rinehart, S.A., J.M. Dybiec, J.B. Walker, L. Simpson, J.A. Cherry. 2024. Effects of burrowing crabs on coastal sediments and their functions: A systematic meta-analysis. Ecosphere

Xin, D., J.M. Hudson, A. Sigman-Lowery, Y. Chin. 2024. Distribution and composition of redox-active species and dissolved organic carbon in Arctic lacustrine porewaters. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Bo, T., J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Frieder, K.A. Davis, M. Chamecki. 2024. Nutrient Replenishment by Turbulent Mixing in Suspended Macroalgal Farms. Geophysical Research Letters DOI:10.1029/2024GL109128.

Wong, C.S., S. Dial, W. Lao. 2024. Stormwater Monitoring Coalition Laboratory Guidance Document (Fourth Edition). Technical Report 1379. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

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