
Treated wastewater effluent is discharged into the Los Angeles River from the nearby L.A.-Glendale Water Reclamation Plant. Water-quality managers for the effluent-dominated river have initiated a study to explore the potential ecological and recreational effects of diverting effluent and runoff from the river for water recycling purposes.


SCCWRP and its partners will evaluate whether a tool that rapidly distinguishes intermittent streams from ephemeral streams in the Pacific Northwest can be used in the arid Southwest, such as this Riverside County creek, above. The creek is classified as a perennial stream, so researchers want to know if the Pacific Northwest tool correctly rules out the stream as neither intermittent nor ephemeral.

Flow ecology graph

A SCCWRP-led flow-ecology study has generated data on the hydrologic flow patterns that are necessary to support healthy, in-stream biological communities for hundreds of wadeable stream sites in Southern California. Many of these sites don’t presently have optimal flow patterns for in-stream biological communities, as shown in the map above, where flow conditions at various sites have been scored and assigned a grade of A through D.