Plenary Speakers
Presentation are 20 minutes long (Recommended 12 min presentation with 8 min for questions).
ADA accessibility
We encourage all presenters to check their presentations for ADA accessibility using guidelines linked HERE. In particular, please use sans serif fonts, such as Arial or Calibri, and a minimum font size of ~18.
Please send your presentation to Susie Theroux ( no later than 24 hours before your talk.
All presentations during the Training Day and Plenary Day will be streamed online and recordings of the presentations (along with accompanying slides) will be posted on the Workshop Website. Please let the workshop organizers know if you have any concerns about posting your presentation.
Poster Presentations
In person poster presentations
Poster sessions will take place during lunch in the Training Day (September 12, 2022) and the Plenary Day (September 13, 2022).
Maximum poster dimensions: 48″ W x 36″ H. Allow for a 1-inch border. Feel free to use a poster template HERE.
Virtual poster presentations
Please prepare your poster as a PDF file and upload to the digital drive HERE. You are welcome to also record a 3-5min minute presentation to accompany your poster, and you can upload the .mp4 file to the same directory. We will link all posters to the main Poster Presentation page HERE, and we will link videos to Vimeo. We will post links to posters on the Workshop Slack channel (#2022-national-workshop) HERE, where attendees can view all posters and presentations and provide comments/ask questions.
Please save all files as LASTNAME_poster.pdf and LASTNAME_poster.mp4.