Dr. Faycal Kessouri

Dr. Fayçal Kessouri is a Senior Scientist in the Biogeochemistry Department, leading the application of earth system models that help illuminate how human activities are impacting coastal marine environments, and examine whether local discharges of wastewater effluent, urban and rainfall runoff, and other discharges are exacerbating oxygen loss, acidification, and the frequency of harmful algal blooms as well as the fate and transport of microplastics in the marine environment.

As postdoctoral research associate at UCLA, in collaboration with the University of Washington, he developed biogeochemical applications with the Regional Modeling System (ROMS) for the U.S. West Coast. When coupled with biogeochemical models (e.g., Biogeochemical Elemental Cycling), ROMS simulations, conducted on supercomputers, provide mechanistic, 3-D representations of oceanic physical, biogeochemical, and lower ecosystem properties at horizontal grid resolutions from 4 km down to tens of m. In 2018, he joined the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority (SCCWRP), an intergovernmental aquatic sciences research institute, where he leads an ocean modeling research group focused on the fate and effects of river runoffs, wastewater sources and atmospheric pollutants on the coastal ocean. In 2022, he led a new modeling development to implement a high-resolution physical – biogeochemical estuarine models in Newport Bay, where the resolution has been improved to simulate circulation at a resolution lower than 5 m. Fayçal is actively co-developing regional configurations to resemble climate scenarios and test the efficacy of new technologies to reduce the effects of global warming.

Fayçal is member of the American Geophysical Union and the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. He received a master’s degree in oceanography at the University of Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, and a Ph.D. in oceanography at Toulouse University.


Ph.D., oceanography, University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier, France, 2015

M.Sc., oceanography, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 2012

Engineer, marine environment, University of Algiers, Algeria, 2008

B.A., sciences, Algiers, Algeria, 2003

Professional Experience

Senior Scientist, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA. 2019-present

Scientist, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA. 2018-2019

Post-doctoral researcher, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA. 2015-2018

Research assistant, Laboratoire d’Aerologie, CNRS. Toulouse, France. 2012-2015

Ocean biogeochemist, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche-sur-Mer, CNRS. Villefranche-Sur-Mer, France. 2012

GIS, Water and sanitation company. Algiers, Algeria. 2008

Session Chair at International Scientific Conferences

  • Kapsenberg L., H. Carter, Kessouri, C Braby. Ocean based solutions to address local to global human impact. Ocean Sciences Meeting. San Diego Convention Center. Feb 2020.
  • Kessouri, D. Bianchi, R. Feely, E. Turner, N. Bednarsek, M. Sutula. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 26th Bi-annual Conference. Mobile, Alabama. November 2019. “Coastal Acidification, Hypoxia and Warming: Science-Based Tools for Management”.
  • McWilliams, J.C., C. Deutsch, F. Kessouri and E. Howard. Ocean Sciences Meeting. Portland Convention Center, Oregon. February 2018.
  • Sutula M., F. Kessouri, E. Turner. Coupled Models of Coastal Acidification and Hypoxia: Applications to Management. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation

Selected conferences

  • Faycal Kessouri, Daniele Bianchi, James C McWilliams, Lionel Renault, Curtis A. Deutsch, Hartmut Frenzel. Temporal modulation of biogeochemical cycles and phytoplankton biomass by submesoscale circulation in the California Current System. AGU, Ocean Sciences meeting. 02/2020. San Diego.
  • Faycal Kessouri, Daniele Bianchi, Martha Sutula, Clarissa Anderson, Raphael M Kudela, Jayme Smith, and James McWilliams. Ocean Modeling Supports Management Conversations on the Impact of Local Pollution Sources on Algal Blooms in Southern California. American Geoscience Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco. 12/2019.
  • Faycal Kessouri, Martha Sutula, Daniele Bianchi, James McWilliams, Curtis Deutsch, Karen McLaughlin, Minna Ho, Nina Bednarsek, Evan Howard, Lionel Renault, Simon Yang, Stephen Weisberg. Submesoscale Simulations to Support Management Conversations on the Impact of Local Pollution in Southern California. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 25th Biennial Conference. November 2019. Mobile, Alabama.
  • Faycal Kessouri, Martha Sutula, Minna Ho, James McWilliams, Curtis Deutsch, Daniele Bianchi, Karen McLaughlin, Nina Bednarsek, Lionel Renault, Richard Feely, Richard Ambrose, Stephen Weisberg. Submesoscale model to help on nutrients management in coastal southern California. IMBeR Future Oceans2 Conference in Brest, France. 05/2019.
  • Faycal Kessouri, James C McWilliams, Daniele Bianchi, Lionel Renault, Hartmut Frenzel and Curtis Deutsch. Seasonal modulation of nutrients cycles and phytoplankton biomass by submesoscale circulation in the California Current System. IMBeR Future Oceans2 Brest Conference Center, France. 05/2019.
  • Kessouri, McWilliams JC., Bianchi D., Renault L., Deutsch c., Frenzel h. Submesoscale Modeling of the Biogeochemical Dynamics in the California Current Ecosystem. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb 18-22th 2018, Portland Convention Center, Oregon.
  • Kessouri, F.; McWilliams, J.; Sutula, M.; Renault, L.; Deutsch, C.; McLaughlin, K.; Frenzel, H.; Bianchi, D.; Feely, R.; Bednaršek, N.; Alin, S.; Ambrose, R. F.; Gold, M.; Weisberg, S.; Integrated model of ocean acidification and hypoxia to support ecosystem prediction and environmental management in the California Current ecosystem. AGU, Ocean Sciences Meeting. 02/2017. Honolulu Convention Center. Hawaii.
  • Faycal Kessouri, James McWilliams, Daniele Bianchi, Lionel Renault, Curtis Deutsch, Hartmut Frenzel. Submesoscale Modeling of the Biogeochemical Dynamics in the California Current Ecosystem. Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference 2017, South Lake Tahoe.

Selected CTAG meetings

  • Faycal Kessouri. Acidification and hypoxia modeling of the California Current System: Application to support nutrients management: Model performance assessment. SCCWRP Offices. Stakeholders meeting with the Commission’s Technical Advisory Group and partners. 01/23/2020.
  • Faycal Kessouri. Acidification and hypoxia modeling of the California Current System: Application to support nutrients management: Brief overview of the model ROMS-BEC. SCCWRP Offices. Stakeholders meeting with the Commission’s Technical Advisory Group and partners. 01/23/2020.
  • Faycal Kessouri. Acidification and hypoxia modeling of the California Current System: Application to support nutrients management: Plume and point sources modeling and parametrization in ocean model ROMS-BEC. SCCWRP Offices. Stakeholders meeting with the Commission’s Technical Advisory Group and partners. 01/23/2020.
  • Kessouri, F.: Modeling approach and progress for climate change and pollution assessment. SCCWRP offices, Costa Mesa. CTAG meeting, June 2018.
  • Kessouri, F.: Ocean modeling validation approach and metrics of performance. SCCWRP offices, Costa Mesa. CTAG meeting, June 2018.


Journal Articles

McWilliams, J.C., P. Damien, F. Kessouri. 2024. Circulation and dispersal in California’s Borderland Basins. Progress in Oceanography 229:103349.

Le-Duy Pham, A., P. Damien, D. McCoy, M. Mar, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams, J. Moffett, D. Bianchi. 2024. The Shelf-To-Basin Transport of Iron From the Northern U.S. West Coast to the Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2023GB008029.

Kessouri, F., M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, M. Ho, P. Damien, J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Frieder, L. Renault, H. Frenzel, K. McLaughlin, C. Deutsch. 2024. Cross-shore transport and eddies promote large scale response to urban eutrophication. Scientific Reports 14:7240.

Ho, M., F. Kessouri, C.A. Frieder, M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Effect of ocean outfall discharge volume and dissolved inorganic nitrogen load on urban eutrophication outcomes in the Southern California Bight. Scientific Reports 13:22148.

Damien, P., D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams, F. Kessouri, C. Deutsch, R. Chen, L. Renault. 2023. Enhanced Biogeochemical Cycling Along the U.S. West Coast Shelf. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2022GB007572.

Ulses, C., C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, K. Soetaert, M. Fourrier, L. Coppola, D. Lefevre, F. Touratier, C. Goyet, V. Guglielmi, F. Kessouri, P. Testor, X. Durrieu de Madron. 2023. Seasonal dynamics and annual budget of dissolved inorganic carbon in the northwestern Mediterranean deep-convection region. Biogeosciences 20:4683-4710.

Zhou, J., J.G. Izett, C.A. Edwards, P. Damien, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Modeling the dispersal of the San Francisco Bay plume over the northern and central California shelf. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 287:108336.

Damien, P., D. Bianchi, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams. 2023. Modulation of Phytoplankton Uptake by Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddies in the California Current System. Geophysical Research Letters DOI:10.1029/2023GL104853.

Sandoval-Belmar, M., J. Smith, A.R. Moreno, C. Anderson, R.M. Kudela, M. Sutula, F. Kessouri, D.A. Caron, F.P. Chavez, D. Bianchi. 2023. A cross-regional examination of patterns and environmental drivers of Pseudo-nitzschia harmful algal blooms along the California coast. Harmful Algae 126:102435.

Kessouri, F., L. Renault, J.C. McWilliams, P. Damien, D. Bianchi. 2022. Enhancement of Oceanic Eddy Activity by Fine-Scale Orographic Winds Drives High Productivity, Low Oxygen, and Low pH Conditions in the Santa Barbara Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127:1-14.

Frieder, C.A., C. Yan, M. Chamecki, D. Dauhajre, J.C. McWilliams, J. Infante, M.L. McPherson, R.M. Kudela, F. Kessouri, M. Sutula, I.B. Arzeno-Soltero, K.A. Davis. 2022. A Macroalgal Cultivation Modeling System (MACMODS): Evaluating the Role of Physical-Biological Coupling on Nutrients and Farm Yield. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2022.752951.

Kessouri, F., K. McLaughlin, M. Sutula, D. Bianchi, M. Ho, J.C. McWilliams, L. Renault, J. Molemaker, C. Deutsch, A. Leinweber. 2021. Configuration and validation of an oceanic physical and biogeochemical model to investigate coastal eutrophication in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13:e2020MS002296.

Bednarsek, N., R. Ambrose, P. Calosi, R.K. Childers, R.A. Feely, S.Y. Litvin, W.C. Long, J.I. Spicer, J. Strus, J. Taylor, F. Kessouri, M. Roethler, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Decapods. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:651102.

McLaughlin, K., M.D.A. Howard, G. Robertson, C.D.A. Beck, M. Ho, F. Kessouri, N.P. Nezlin, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Influence of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on rates of coastal ocean nitrogen and carbon cycling in the Southern California Bight, United States. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9:00145.

Sutula, M., M. Ho, A. Sengupta, F. Kessouri, K. McLaughlin, K. McCune, D. Bianchi. 2021. A baseline of terrestrial freshwater and nitrogen fluxes to the Southern California Bight, USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112669 .

Deutsch, C., H. Frenzel, J.C. McWilliams, L. Renault, F. Kessouri, E. Howard, J.H. Liang, D. Bianchi, S. Yang. 2021. Biogeochemical variability in the California Current System. Progress in Oceanography DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102565.

Renault, L., J.C. McWilliams, F. Kessouri, A. Jousse, H. Frenzel, R. Chen, C. Deutsch. 2021. Evaluation of high-resolution atmospheric and oceanic simulations of the California Current System. Progress in Oceanography DOI:10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102564.

Ho, M., J.M. Molemaker, F. Kessouri, J.C. McWilliams, T.W. Gallien. 2021. High-Resolution Nonhydrostatic Outfall Plume Modeling: Cross-Flow Validation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001896.

Kessouri, F., J.C. McWilliams, D. Bianchi, M. Sutula, L. Renault, C. Deutsch, R.A. Feely, K. McLaughlin, M. Ho, E.M. Howard, N. Bednarsek, P. Damien, J. Molemaker, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Coastal eutrophication drives acidification, oxygen loss, and ecosystem change in a major oceanic upwelling system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America DOI:10.1073/pnas.2018856118.

Bednarsek, N., P. Calosi, R.A. Feely, R.F. Ambrose, M. Byrne, K.Y. Chan, S. Dupont, J.L. Padilla-Gamino, J.I. Spicer, F. Kessouri, M. Roethler, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2021. Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Echinoderms. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.602601.

Ulses, C., C. Estournel, M. Fourrier, L. Coppola, F. Kessouri, D. Lefevre, P. Marsaleix. 2021. Oxygen budget of the north-western Mediterranean deep-convection region. Biogeosciences 18:937-960.

Sutula, M., M. Ho, A. Sengupta, F. Kessouri, K. McLaughlin, K. McCune, D. Bianchi. 2021. Dataset of terrestrial fluxes of freshwater, nutrients, carbon, and iron to the Southern California Bight, U.S.A.. Data in Brief DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2021.106802.

Howard, E.M., H. Frenzel, F. Kessouri, L. Renault, D. Bianchi, J.C. McWilliams, C.A. Deutsch. 2020. Attributing Causes of Future Climate Change in the California Current System With Multimodel Downscaling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2020GB006646.

Kessouri, F., D. Bianchi, L. Renault, J.C. McWilliams, H. Frenzel, C.A. Deutsch. 2020. Submesoscale Currents Modulate the Seasonal Cycle of Nutrients and Productivity in the California Current System. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI:10.1029/2020GB006578.

Howard, E.M., J.L. Penn, H. Frenzel, B.A. Seibel, D. Blanchi, L. Renault, F. Kessouri, M. Sutula, J.C. McWilliams, C. Deutsch. 2020. Climate-driven aerobic habitat loss in the California Current System. Science Advances DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aay3188 .

Bednarsek, N., R.A. Feely, E.L. Howes, B.P.V. Hunt, F. Kessouri, P. Leon, R. Lischka, A.E. Maas, K. McLaughlin, N.P. Nezlin, M. Sutula, S.B. Weisberg. 2019. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Toward Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Calcifying Pteropods and Interactions With Warming. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:227.

Kessouri, F., C. Ulses, C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, F. D'Ortenzio, T. Severin, V. Taillandier, P. Conan. 2018. Vertical Mixing Effects on Phytoplankton Dynamics and Organic Carbon Export in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Geophysical Research: Oceans DOI:10.1002/2016JC012669.

Kessouri, F., C. Ulses, C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, T. Severin, M. Pujo-Pay, J. Caparros, P. Raimbault, O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, F. D'Ortenzio, V. Taillandier, P. Testor, P. Conan. 2018. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets in the Northwestern Mediterranean Deep Convection Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 12:9429-9454.

De Fommervaut, O., C. Migon, A. Dufour, F. D’Ortenzio, F. Kessouri, P. Raimbault, N. Garcia, V. Lagadec and C. Estournel. 2015. Atmospheric input of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus to the Ligurian Sea: Data from the Cap Ferrat coastal time-series station. Deep Sea Research II.

Estournel C., P. Testor , P. Damien , F. D’Ortenzio, P. Marsaleix, P. Conan, F. Kessouri, X. Durrieu de Madron, L. Coppola, J.M. Lellouche, S. Belamari, L. Mortier, C. Ulses, M.N. Bouin, and L. Prieur (2016b), High resolution modeling of dense water formation in the north-western Mediterranean during winter 2012-2013: Processes and budget, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 5367–5392, doi:10.1002/2016JC011935.

Kessouri, F., C. Ulses, P. Marsaleix, C. Estournel, Dewex Group. In review. Vertical mixing effects on phytoplankton dynamics and organic carbon export in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans.

Kessouri, F., C. Estournel, C. Ulses, P. Marsaleix, Dewex Group. In review. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans.

Severin, T., F. Kessouri, M. Rembauville, et al. (2017), Open-ocean convection process: A driver of the winter nutrient supply and the spring phytoplankton distribution in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, J.Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012664. (2017), Open-ocean convection process: A driver of the winter nutrient supply and the spring phytoplankton distribution in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JC012664.

Severin, T., C. Sauret, M. Boutrif, T. Duhaut, F. Kessouri, L. Oriol, J. Caparros, M. Pujo-Pay, X. Durrieu de Madron, M. Garel, C. Tamburini, P. Conan, J.F. Ghiglione. In press. Impact of an intense water column mixing (0-1500m) on prokaryotic 1 diversity and activities during an open-ocean convection event in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Microbiology.

Ulses, C., P.-A. Auger, K. Soetaert, P. Marsaleix, F. Diaz, L. Coppola, M.Herrmann, F. Kessouri, and C. Estournel (2016), Budget of organic carbon in the North-Western Mediterranean Open Sea over the period 2004-2008 using 3D coupled physical biogeochemical modeling, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 7026–7055, doi:10.1002/2016JC011818.

Book Chapters

Mignon, C., O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, F. Kessouri. 2020. Emission Sources, Fluxes and Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nutritive Resources. in: C. Mignon, P. Nival, A. Sciandra (eds.), The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 1: 30 Years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea pp. 105-138. Wiley. New York, NY.

Technical Reports

Sutula, M., D. Senn, L. Fono, M. Ho, F. Karimpour, F. Kessouri, A. King, A. Latker, P. Markle. 2021. Approaches to Quantifying Uncertainty in Coastal Eutrophication Numerical Modeling: A Workshop Summary. Technical Report . Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.