• Seminar: “Monitoring stormwater control measures”

  • Friday, June 17, 2022 at 11 a.m.

  • Michael Borst of the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) will deliver a one-hour seminar that provides an overview of ORD efforts to monitor flow-through stormwater BMPs. Borst will explain why obtaining useful data can still be challenging, even with the benefit of better-than-typical resources.

  • The seminar is open to the public for remote participation only

  • Additional information: n/a
  • RSVPs: Registration is not required
  • Remote participation: To participate remotely, click on this link at the meeting time to be automatically connected: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83427323591?pwd=T2VnOG9KTUU0TkFCYUw2aTJHRkdldz09
  • Location: SCCWRP
  • Contact: Elizabeth Fassman-Beck, (714) 755-3260, elizabethfb@sccwrp.org

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