Publication Search Tips

To search for SCCWRP publications, you can use either of two search engines:

  • The Search SCCWRP Publications bar restricts searches to the text of citations (e.g., author names, title, year of publication, SCCWRP publication number).
  • The Google site engine (located at top right of this website) searches the full text of publications.

Journal articles, book chapters and technical reports in SCCWRP’s publications library have been tagged to one or more related topic areas. You may browse all publications tagged to a topic area by clicking on the name of the topic.

Publication search results are displayed in a five-column format. You may sort search results by any of the five column headers by clicking on the up/down arrow buttons.

To request the full text of a closed-source publications, contact

If you encounter a broken link, contact

Note about certain types of broken links

URLs that link to older content being hosted on a SCCWRP server may include ftp:// as the first five characters of the URL. Because of a subsequent SCCWRP server upgrade,  these types of links no longer work. If you encounter a link that begins with ftp://, the workaround is to manually copy and paste the entire link into your browser, then delete ftp:// and replace with https://.

For example, if the URL is: 

Manually edit the URL to: