Workplan developed for third cycle of SMC’s regional stream monitoring program

Posted January 29, 2021

The Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) has finalized plans for the third cycle of its Regional Watershed Monitoring Program that kicks off this spring.

The cyclical program’s workplan – which was developed by SCCWRP and approved by the SMC in January – calls for a study design that builds on prior stream surveys, while simultaneously expanding the program into new frontiers.

Among the new study design features is a stream causal assessment investigation that will work to determine specifically why some stream sites with degraded water quality score low using bioassessment-based stream scoring tools. Other new studies will target building out more bioassessment sampling data for certain high-interest areas, and mapping wet and dry channels in the region to better understand which streams are ephemeral vs. perennially flowing.

The expanded workplan overall is a cost-neutral survey for program participants, as the extensive stream data that was collected during previous program cycles has reduced the need to collect as much core monitoring data going forward.

More news related to: Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition