All news related to Sea Level Rise

Sentinel network completed to support planned wetlands monitoring program

SCCWRP and its partners have completed the first major component of a planned coastal wetland monitoring program for Southern California – a milestone that brings coastal managers one step closer ... More

Effort launched to build network of Southern California estuary monitoring sites

SCCWRP and its partners have begun working to build a network of estuary monitoring sites across Southern California that can serve as sentinel indicators for how the region’s coastal wetlands ... More

Tools being developed to evaluate resiliency of coastal wetlands to sea level rise

SCCWRP and its partners have begun developing a set of regional assessment tools to evaluate the resiliency of Southern California’s coastal wetlands to sea level rise – a project that ... More

Tijuana River sediment fluxes estimated for effort to improve sediment management practices

SCCWRP and San Diego State University have successfully estimated the sediment fluxes being discharged from the Tijuana River at the U.S.-Mexico border to its coastal estuarine terminus – a key ... More

Study examines how to alter sediment dredging in wetlands to offset rising sea levels

SCCWRP and the University of California, Irvine have completed a four-year study exploring how altering sediment dredging practices in coastal wetlands vulnerable to sea level rise could reduce anticipated ecological ... More

Report outlines strategy for protecting coastal wetlands

Coastal resources managers have an opportunity to increase the total size of Southern California’s coastal wetlands in the coming decades even as rising sea levels permanently submerge existing wetland areas, ... More

Coastal vulnerability to storm surge being documented at 10 sites

SCCWRP and its project partners have begun using camera stations and water-level loggers set up at 10 Southern California sites to collect data on how El Nino storm surges this ... More

Workgroup for San Diego flow ecology study begins meeting

SCCWRP in November facilitated the inaugural meeting of a San Diego-area workgroup that will be working to ascertain the minimum flow requirements necessary to sustain the ecological health of streams ... More

Preliminary modeling tool unveiled to predict sea level rise’s impacts on wetlands

SCCWRP and its partners have developed a preliminary computer modeling tool that enables coastal resources managers to predict how low-lying wetlands in Upper Newport Bay and the Tijuana River Estuary ... More

Novel sediment management strategies to be explored for protecting coastal wetlands

SCCWRP and its partners have launched a four-year study exploring how innovative sediment management strategies could be used to prepare low-lying coastal areas for the impacts of sea level rise ... More

Model evaluates vulnerability of 104 wetlands to sea level rise

SCCWRP and its partners have developed a vulnerability index model that predicts how Southern California coastal wetlands of all types and sizes could be impacted by sea level rise over ... More

Workshop highlights need for improved science to manage ‘climate-ready’ bar-built estuaries

SCCWRP in September helped kick-start a wide-ranging discussion with California water-quality and natural resource managers about how to more effectively manage a common type of coastal estuary known as a ... More

Virtual-reality simulation to enable exploration of changing environmental conditions in Tijuana estuary

SCCWRP has teamed up with the geospatial software firm Esri to create a computer game-like re-creation of the Tijuana River estuary that will enable users to travel through the habitat ... More

Virtual-reality simulation to enable exploration of changing environmental conditions in Tijuana estuary

SCCWRP has teamed up with the geospatial software firm Esri to create a computer game-like re-creation of the Tijuana River estuary that will enable users to travel through the habitat ... More

SCCWRP-facilitated design charrette helps create priorities for estuary restoration

SCCWRP has submitted to the California State Coastal Conservancy a report outlining how the design charrette process can be used to develop restoration goals and priorities for small coastal estuaries ... More

Scientists to track El Niño’s physical impacts to coastal lagoons this winter

To better understand how sea level rise may impact Southern California’s vulnerable coastal lagoons, SCCWRP is launching a study this month to observe how predicted El Niño-fueled storm surges this ... More