
All SCCWRP publications co-authored by Dr. David Gillett
PublicationPub. TypePub. YearSCCWRP Pub. #Related Topic Areas

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, M. Sutula, A. Holt. 2024. Reach-scale models show heterogeneity of stream benthic invertebrate responses to eutrophication stress. Ecological Indicators 160:111791.

Journal Article20241366Bioassessment, Ecohydrology, Eutrophication

Gillett, D.J., S.B. Weisberg, S.R. Alin, D. Cadien, R. Velarde, K. Barwick, C. Larsen, A. Latker. 2023. Changes in the macrobenthic infaunal community of the Southern California continental margin over five decades in relation to oceanographic factors. Marine Ecology Progress Series 722:65-88.

Journal Article20231351Climate Change, Ocean Acidification And Hypoxia

Gillett, D.J., A. Holt. 2023. Options, Impediments, and Supports for the Development of an Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Habitat Occupancy Model in the Embayments of Southern California. Technical Report 1334. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231334Bioassessment

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, A.E. Holt, R. Darling, R. Butler. 2023. Instructions for Application of the Rapid Screening Causal Assessment (RSCA) Tools v 2.0 in California’s Streams. Technical Report 1310. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20231310Bioassessment

Simons, A.L., N. Aulerich, H. Carlson, I. Chandra, J. Chancellor, G. Gemayel, D.J. Gillett, D. Levene, J. Lin, G. Nichol, H. Patel, S. Zhu. 2023. Using Zeta Diversity in Describing the Health of Soft Sediment Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Coastal Research 39:418-430.

Journal Article20231320Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Gillett, D.J., W. Enright, J.B. Walker. 2022. Southern California Bight 2018 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume III. Benthic Infauna. Technical Report 1289. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221289Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Walker, J.B., D.J. Gillett, M. Sutula. 2022. Establishing biologically relevant sediment organic matter thresholds for estuaries and embayments of the Southern California Bight, USA. Ecological Indicators 143:1-12.

Journal Article20221288Bioassessment, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Sutula, M., J. Butcher, M. Schmidt, C. Boschen, R.D. Mazor, D.J. Gillett, K.T. Taniguchi-Quan, K. Irving, D. Shultz. 2022. Science Supporting Decisions on Biostimulatory Targets and Management of Eutrophication in the Main Stem of the Santa Margarita River Watershed. Technical Report 1185. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20221185Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Bay, S.M., D.J. Greenstein, A.N. Parks, D.J. Gillett, W. Lao, D.W. Diehl. 2021. Sediment Quality Assessment Technical Support Manual. Technical Report 777. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20210777Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Gillett, D.J., L. Gilbane, K.C. Schiff. 2021. Characterizing Community Structure of Benthic Infauna From the Continental Slope of the Southern California Bight. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.605858/full.

Journal Article20211197Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Henkel, S.K., L. Gilbane, A.J. Phillips, D.J. Gillett. 2020. Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling for Benthic Macrofauna. Technical Report 1173. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20201173Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Poti, M., S.K. Henkel, J.J. Bizzarro, T.F. Hourigan, M.E. Clarke, C.E. Whitmire, A. Powell, M.M. Yoklavich, L. Bauer, A.J. Winship, M. Coyne, D.J. Gillett, L. Gilbane, J. Christensen, C.F.G. Jeffrey. 2020. Cross-Shelf Habitat Suitability Modeling: Characterizing Potential Distributions of Deep-Sea Corals, Sponges, and Macrofauna Offshore of the US West Coast. Technical Report 1171. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20201171Bioassessment, Regional Monitoring

Gillett, D.J., L. Gisbane, K.C. Schiff. 2020. Benthic habitat condition of the continental shelf surrounding oil and gas platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California. Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111662.

Journal Article20201144Bioassessment

Winship, A.J., J.T. Thorson, M.E. Clarke, H.M. Coleman, B. Costa, S.E. Georgian, D.J. Gillett, A. Gruss, M.J. Henderson, T.F. Hourigan, D.D. Huff, N. Kreidler, J.L. Pirtle, J.V. Olson, M. Poti, C.N. Rooper, M.F. Sigler, S. Veihman, C.E. Whitmire. 2020. Good Practices for Species Distribution Modeling of Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges for Resource Management: Data Collection, Analysis, Validation, and Communication. Frontiers in Marine Science DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00303.

Journal Article20201138Bioassessment

McCune, K., D.J. Gillett, E.D. Stein. 2020. Methods and Guidance on Assessing the Ecological Functioning of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Southern California Estuaries and Embayments. Technical Report 1136. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20201136Bioassessment

Beck, M.W., C. O'Hara, J.S. Stewart-Lowndes, R.D. Mazor, S. Theroux, D.J. Gillett, B. Lane, G. Gearheart. 2020. The importance of open science for biological assessment of aquatic environments. PeerJ DOI:10.7717/peerj.9539.

Journal Article20201132Bioassessment

Gillett, D.J., L. Gisbane, K.C. Schiff. 2019. Benthic Infauna of the Southern California Bight Continental Slope: Characterizing Community Structure for the Development of an Index of Disturbance. Technical Report 1096. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Camarillo, CA.

Technical Report20191096Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Gillett, D.J., R.D. Mazor, S.B. Norton. 2019. Selecting comparator sites for ecological causal assessment based on expected biological similarity. Freshwater Science 38:554-565.

Journal Article20191083Bioassessment

Lyon, K., D. Kacev, A. Preti, D.J. Gillett, H. Dwar, S. Kohin. 2019. Species-Specific Characteristics Influence Contaminant Accumulation Trajectories and Signatures Across Ontogeny in Three Pelagic Shark Species. Environmental Science & Technology DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b07355.

Journal Article20191079Sediment Quality

Gillett, D.J., A.N. Parks, S.M. Bay. 2019. Calibration of the Multivariate AZTI Marine Biotic Index (M-AMBI) for Potential Inclusion into California Sediment Quality Objective Assessments in San Francisco Bay. Technical Report 1070. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Richmond, CA.

Technical Report20191070Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality, Sediment Quality Assessment Frameworks

Pelletier, M.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Hamilton, T. Grayson, V. Hansen, E.W. Leppo, S.B. Weisberg, A. Borja. 2018. Adaptation and application of multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI) in US coastal waters. Ecological Indicators 89:818-827.

Journal Article20181028Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Kacev, D., D.J. Gillett, A.F. de Carvalho, C. Cash, S. Walther, C.D. Larsen, A. Thompson, L. Thompson, N. Bowlin, K. Goodwin, E.D. Stein. 2018. Assessment of Ichthyoplankton Metabarcoding for Routine Monitoring. Technical Report 1031. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20181031Bioassessment, DNA Barcoding

Gillett, D.J., L.L. Lovell, K.C. Schiff. 2017. Southern California Bight 2013 Regional Monitoring Program: Volume VI. Benthic Infauna. Technical Report 971. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20170971Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Ode, P.R., A.C. Rehn, R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, J.T. May, L.R. Brown, D.B. Herbst, D.J. Gillett, K. Lunde, C.P. Hawkins. 2016. Evaluating the adequacy of a reference-site pool for ecological assessments in environmentally complex regions. Freshwater Science 35:237-248.

Journal Article20160886Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Mazor, R.D., A.C. Rehn, P.R. Ode, M. Engeln, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, D.J. Gillett, D.B. Herbst, C.P. Hawkins. 2016. Bioassessment in complex environments: designing an index for consistent meaning in different settings. Freshwater Science 35:249-271.

Journal Article20160889Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Sutula, M., D.J. Gillett, A. Jones. 2016. Status of Eutrophication in San Elijo Lagoon and its Relevance for Restoration. Technical Report 938. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20160938Climate Change, Eutrophication, Harmful Algal Blooms

Gillett, D.J., S.B. Weisberg, T. Grayson, A. Hamilton, V. Hansen, E.W. Leppo, M.C. Pelletier, A. Borja, D. Cadien, D. Dauer, R. Diaz, M. Dutch, J.L. Hyland, M. Kellogg, P.F. Larsen, J.S. Levinton, R. Llanso, L.L. Lovell, P.A. Montagna, D. Pasko, C.A. Phillips, C. Rakocinski, J.A. Ranasinghe, D.M. Sanger, H. Teixeira, R.F. Van Dolah, R.G. Velarde, K.I. Welch. 2015. Effect of ecological group classification schemes on performance of the AMBI benthic index in US coastal waters. Ecological Indicators 50:99-107.

Journal Article20150839Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Greenstein, N. Dodder, D.J. Gillett. 2015. Southern California Bight regional monitoring. Regional Studies in Marine Science 4:34-46.

Journal Article20150890Regional Monitoring, Sediment Quality, Southern California Bight Regional Monitoring Program

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California. Technical Report 750. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750Bioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix A). Technical Report 750.A. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.ABioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix B). Technical Report 750.B. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.BBioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix C). Technical Report 750.C. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.CBioassessment

Schiff, K.C., D.J. Gillett, A. Rehn, M. Paul. 2015. Causal Assessment Evaluation and Guidance for California (Appendix D). Technical Report 750.D. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20150750.DBioassessment

Ranasinghe, J.A., E.D. Stein, M.R. Frazier, D.J. Gillett. 2013. Development of Puget Sound Benthic Indicators. Technical Report 755. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20130755Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Sediment Quality

Ode, P., A. Rehn, R.D. Mazor, K.C. Schiff, E.D. Stein, J. May, L. Brown, D. Herbst, D.J. Gillett, K. Lunde, C.P. Hawkins. 2013. Evaluating the adequacy of a reference-site pool for the ecological assessment of streams in environmentally complex regions. in: K.C. Schiff, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2013 Annual Report pp. 337-355. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20132013.22

Gillett, D.J., D.J. Pondella II, J. Freiwald, K.C. Schiff, J.E. Caselle, C. Shuman, S.B. Weisberg. 2012. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from the rocky subtidal reefs of Southern California, USA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184:3239-3257.

Journal Article20120702Regional Monitoring

Mazor, R.D., D.J. Gillett, K.C. Schiff, K. Ritter, E.D. Stein. 2011. Ecological Condition of Watersheds in Coastal Southern California: Progress Report of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition's Stream Monitoring Program First Year (2009). Technical Report 639. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Technical Report20110639Bioassessment, Indices Of Biotic Integrity, Regional Monitoring, Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition

Gillett, D.J., D.J. Pondella II, K.C. Schiff, J. Freiwald, J.E. Casselle, C. Shuman, S.B. Weisberg. 2010. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from subtidal rocky reefs in southern California. in: S.B. Weisberg, K. Miller (eds.), Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2010 Annual Report pp. 219-237. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Costa Mesa, CA.

Annual Report20102010.17